Directions to the Rebel Heart Office
We are located in The Fair-Haired Dumbbell on E. Burnside & NE MLK.
The address is:
11 NE MLK Blvd. #203
Portland, OR 97232
So you found the building…now what?
Updated 4/12/23:
The entrance to The Fair Haired Dumbell is between the two buildings under the catwalk.
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM:
The sliding double doors on the South Building are open
Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor
Walk across the catwalk into the Rebel Heart Therapy waiting room
Check-in with Maeve or Teal at the front office (to your left when you enter the waiting room)
Evenings & Weekends:
A video call box is attached to the right of the sliding doors on the South building (closest to Burnside with the double sliding doors and elevator).
Select ‘Rebel Heart Therapy’
The video rings to an iPad in our Break Room. A team member will use the intercom on the call box to verify who you are here to see and unlock the sliding doors and elevator. *If the clinicians are all in sessions when you arrive, there may not be anyone available to buzz you in. We are sorry for this inconvenience. If this happens, please talk with your clinician so they can give you the best time to arrive so you won’t have to wait outside.
Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor.
Walk across the catwalk into the Rebel Heart Therapy waiting room
Grab a drink and have a seat; your clinician will be with you soon
We appreciate your patience as we navigated the building access issues and enhancements.
COVID Policies
Rebel Heart Therapy does not require masks in the office. Please feel free to wear a mask if it would make you more comfortable. Please talk with your clinician before coming in if you would like them to also wear a mask in the counseling room.
If you are sick or were exposed to COVID, please inform your clinician and switch your session to telehealth.
If you find out after a session that you were unknowingly recently exposed to COVID, please contact your clinician and inform them.
These policies are likely to change at any time. We appreciate your understanding and adaptability.